Why you should go on a Retreat!

I remember my very first solo retreat, it was to Costa Rica on a sun and surf adventure and I was nervous as hell. I'd never treated myself to a holiday that was purely for my own sanity and self. Holidays were something I did with a loved one or family but this was going to be different, I was spending a bunch of money on myself and jetting to a place I'd never been to before, with people I didn't know. Forget not speaking to strangers, I was joining a bunch of them a million miles from home! I fell in love on that retreat, not just with the place and the people around me but with myself, I came home a different person, spoke slower, listened harder and loved louder.

I've since created my own retreats because although the adventure is what you sign up for, it's the ability to meet likeminded people that you never knew you needed in your life and falling back in love with the person you deserve to be, that is the true magic of these trips. I realise that for so many of you it's such a daunting prospect and you might not feel ready to jump in. Or you perhaps feel guilty spending money on yourself which is why I wanted to answer some of the questions I receive most often in the hopes that it makes you see travelling solo, and perhaps joining a retreat, as something you'd like to do!

1. Am I ok to come alone? Yes! 98% of the people that book my retreats come on their own and don’t know anyone before they arrive. To be honest it’s the best way and has you leaving with new friends! If this makes you super nervous then don't worry, I always create a WhatsApp group two weeks before we fly so that you can get to know each other, ask questions and get excited as a team.2. Do I have to be a certain level of fitness? Not at all, I tailor all the workouts to suit you all individually and will happily offer 1 to 1 coaching sessions to help you with any weak or problem areas.3. Will the meals be calorie-controlled? No chance! I love food and use my retreats to show you how to see food for what it is...fuel. There’ll always be desserts and on the last night we’ll go out for dinner and have a glass of wine, cocktail or mocktail!4. Do I have to do everything on the itinerary? This is your retreat! The itinerary is there to give you all some structure and a chance to try everything but if you simply want to lay by the pool or nap in your room you can. It’s your time to do whatever your body or mind needs and I really encourage you to listen to your body while you're on the retreat.5. What's the difference between a challenge and a retreat? Each year I put on one challenge, from climbing Kilimanjaro and the Inca Trail in Peru to this year's challenge of conquering three volcanos in Bali. These challenges are a team effort which I complete with you, not as your coach but as your friend. The difference with Retreats is that not only am I your friend, I am your coach and my aim is to teach you nutrition, exercise and so much more while you are with me. If you're interested in joining me on one of my retreats this year, click here to have a little explore and see which one suits you best!


How to help your Dog & Baby become friends!


Travelling with a child vs travelling as a couple.