I was 24 when I asked Google:
What is the best job in the world?”

Google didn't know, so I created it.

How do you go after your dreams if you don’t know what they are?

Growing up I never knew what I was meant to be when I was older and truthfully I could never have imaged the route that finding my purpose would take me.

I started filming videos on YouTube as a type of solo talent search. Gratefully people on the internet started to follow and it was those followers that pointed out I was great at making movement fun, accessible and even better - got results.

I promised myself i’d quit my job in the Motor Trade if in one month I could make myself fully booked as a Personal Trainer. I did it, I quit my job and was told by everyone that I was crazy for risking it all!

But here I am 10 years later able to shout from the roof tops that not only did I find one job that I loved, I found several and made them all a part of my life. Meaning I truly feel I found the best job in the world and now I get to share it with you on retreats, in my books, my App and through coaching you to discover your own individual path.

I host life changing retreats all over the world:

From conquering Mt Kilimanjaro to climbing Machu Picchu, to surfing in Portugal and exploring Volcanos in Bali. I love creating a safe space for women to come together and explore a different version of themselves. Something incredible happens when women come together and holding space for that to happen during a retreat will forever be one of the best things I ever got to be a part of.

I transform Women through Support:

We are capable of incredible things when we feel supported.

I spent years figuring out so much of life by myself, I don’t want that for you. Which is why I made it my mission to help Women uncover their passions, overcome challenges, discover their wants, desires and embrace their full potential with my mentoring.

I write Books on tricky subjects:

It was after I had my daughter that I realised the immense power that reading has not just for the person being read to but for the person doing the reading. It was then that I saw an opportunity to create books around tricky subjects to help a parent or care giver discuss something that might feel uncomfortable.

I am so proud to say that my books have helped families all over the world navigate body confidence and grief and waking up to thank you messages is such a gift.

I Created a Mood-ment:

During lockdown I could no longer teach my clients in person so started hosting classes three times a week to over 200+ people over Zoom, it was the most wonderful, intimate experience that really cemented my community and while I would have loved to continue once life returned it was not possible which is when Moodment was launched.

Moodment transforms your mood, which in turn transforms your life. It’s a mood based app created to act as pocket therapy, boosting your mood and getting you powerful results with life coaching, workouts, yoga, playlists, meditation, recipes, hypnosis, secrets and the most beautiful community section.